Our company building in Fürth, Germany.


KURZ Digital Solutions GmbH & Co. KG
Schwabacher Str. 106, D-90763 Fürth / Germany
Phone: +49 (0)911 14 89 59 24
Email: info(at)kurzdigital.com

Management: Dr. Benno Schmitzer, Andreas Meyer, Uwe Frieser

Company Location: Fürth
Commercial Register Fürth HR A 10746
Tax No. DE 308258782

Complementary: KURZ Digital Administrative GmbH
Company Location: Fürth
Commercial Register Fürth HR B 15767

Person responsible according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: Uwe Frieser, Schwabacher Str. 106, D-90763 Fürth/Germany
Do you have questions and suggestions about the internet offer?

Editorial and Project Management: Uwe Frieser, uwe.frieser(at)kurzdigital.com

Technical Implementation: KURZ Digital Solutions GmbH & Co. KG